Sunday, October 16, 2011

Blog Assignment #8


This is how we Dream by Dr. Richard Miller
Dr. Miller did an excellent job on these videos. It was truly amazing. It is crazy how much we have evolved with technology. We work with technology more and more each day. I agree that we need a curriculum developed to show how we would teach technology in the classroom. Technology can be hard to understand and develop. It can be hard to figure out and hard to do by yourself. If I was told to produce a movie like the ones in Dr. Miller’s video, I wouldn’t know where to start. I would need some sort of help to understand exactly how to do what to make my text move or my pictures fly. Thus we need a curriculum to explain, help, better involve students and teach them to understand the technology that is all around them and can be used to better themselves as students.
I do not think teachers have begun to see the changes around the world either. I think he is right. All teachers are still back in the day so to speak. Some have not realized that technology is changing for the better and will need to be incorporated into classes and teach students how to manage it. We are not using pencil and paper much anymore. It is typing and pasting and creating. Technology has become a big part of a teacher’s classroom and I hope they will soon realize this. Some already do and are beginning to work with students to have them better understand how it works. There is so much that can be done with technology that it is unbelievable. Just look at the video by Dr. Miller again.
We can do anything we set our minds to. I believe it. Do you? I believe we can master this technology in classrooms. We can have our students making movies, images and pages the way Dr. Miller did. It was amazing how he was putting some of that together. If he can learn I know we as students can too, and we can teach it also. We just have to put our minds there. We can do it. We can learn and teach the ways of technology. The only restrictions we have are the ones we put on ourselves. If you say,” I can’t make a video like that, I will never be able to”, then with a attitude like that you never will. Stay positive about the situation. Instead say, “I may not be able to now, but if I just learn and I am taught how technology works, then I can.” You can do ANYTHING you set your mind to. Just focus and do it.

Blog Post #12 by Carly Pugh
Wow, really wow. That is a very good idea. I am going to go do that as soon as I get done with this blog post. I loved the videos. I really liked the When I Grow Up one. That made me smile. I also liked the Diversity one. I couldn't watch the Think Differnt 10 Years Later one though because it contained content from EMI, who has blocked it in our country on copyright grounds, but I got to watch the rest. They were really good. I liked her playlist. I think she came very close to writing with multimedia. All those video, even though they were images and music and very little word, still spoke so much. They spoke volumes. It was inspiring. It was beautiful. It was magnificent. I believe she will be a wonderful teacher. She took something small and made it speak out loud. She inspires me to become a great teacher. Thank you Carly. You have done a fantastic job.

The Chipper Series and EDM310 for Dummies
Both videos were really great. I wish there was a actual book. I would definitely buy it and keep it forever because even though it would be used mainly for the class, it could still be very helpful when I get on my own. I could forget something and BAM! the book is there for me to use.
I think a type of video would be something like a talk show or something. You have the person that is in the EDM 310 class and then you have EDM310 itself and the talk show host. You talk about why EDM310 is so frustrating and what to do about it and such. I guess it would be like a love story. Jerry Springer? Maury? Kinda like that. I thought that would be cool. Another thought I had was making EDM310 into a horror movie. Have EDM310 running around killing people in the class with crazyness and such.

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
I can't believe education is ranked so low, especially below coal mining. I consider education to be very high in my book. I believe technology is becoming a BIG part of the classroom. Sutudents are becoming connected with so many tools in the world. They use them outside of the classroom more than inside the classroom becasue some of these technologies are not allowed in the classroom. The cell phone and laptop which has so much information that students could be informed about. Sudents don't need to just memorize information, they need to find information, validate it, leverage it, and communicae with it. It is the Dawn of learning. Let's teach with technology.


  1. Hello LeeAnn,

    You did a great job in your evaluation of the assigned videos and blog post. You have a great level of enthusiasm, and I hope it never fades. I'm sure you will be a great teacher in the once your opportunity arrives. Keep up the good work!

  2. "You talk about why EDM310 is so frustrating and what to do about it and such. I guess it would be like a love story. Jerry Springer? Maury? Kinda like that. I thought that would be cool. Another thought I had was making EDM310 into a horror movie. Have EDM310 running around killing people in the class with crazyness and such. " Unique approaches. Try one for your final project and see if it works as intended.
